DIY Duke Mobile

Callin’ on aunties and uncles, we’ve got the perfect DIY gift for you to make your soon-to-be parent friends.

Support Your Local Surf Shop

We know it’s going to take a little extra love from our community to really get these shops up and runnin’ again—and we want to do what we can to help.

Sun Bum Printable Coloring Pages

Sonny and the ambassador crew are here. Time to break out the crayons.

Carissa Moore Limited Edition Collectible Vinyl

To celebrate our 10-year anniversary and latest addition to the family, we’re coming out with a limited-edition collectible vinyl of 4-time world champion Carissa Moore.

DIY Drum Set

In true kid fashion, this DIY needs quite a bit… but you probably have it around the house! So don’t give up! 

DIY: Hair Accessories

Took some time away to get crafty with the girls in the office last week & upcycled some of our favorite hair must haves. 

Baby Massage? Yep, that’s a Real Thing

We’re all about keeping our babies stoked, happy and healthy - and sometimes they need a little extra lovin’.  

Sun Bum Hair Care

Introducing three new hair care products to protect and nourish those sun drenched locks of yours.

From Trash To Treasure

Our Encinitas concept shop is pretty much a museum of "one of a kind" Sun Bum items. 

7th Annual #ShowUsYourBum Photo Contest

From day one we’ve had this running challenge with our friends to see who can tag and snag the craziest or coolest or most hilarious photo using our logo, stickers or products. 

Welcome To The Family Carissa Moore

We’re stoked to welcome three-time World Champion Carissa Moore to the Sun Bum family.

You're a Good Mom

Some days we’re late to pick up our kid or forget to make their lunch, but we hope most days our kids think we’re super heroes (which we pretty much are).

DJ Bean Bag's Playlists: Reggae Mix

Bean Bag is from Pig Beach in the Bahamas so of course his first playlist has to be filled with the jams and beats of the islands he loves…that’s right, Reggae Music mon. 

Planet Coco: Coral's Weekly Beach Cleanup

Whether it’s surfing, the animals or her weekly beach clean-up treasure hunt, Coral just loves the beach. That’s why she keeps it clean, just like Coco.

Duke's Backyard: Surf With Duke & Friends

Hugh (age 5) and Duke (age 3) trade their pajamas and light sabers for board shorts and surfboards for a fun session near their home in Vero Beach in this vintage Sun Bum video.  

Meow Meow's Snack Shack: Banana Pancake Recipe

Some say breakfast is the most important meal of the day so Meow Meow wanted to share her favorite Banana Pancake recipe with ya that look just like her!